Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top 10 Albums of 2014

I love music and 2014 had some amazing releases that I have been listening to nonstop. These are not the only albums that have come out this year, these are my favorites. Let me know in the comments what your favorite albums of 2014 are! 

These albums are in no specific order (except for the top 3) which are my absolute favorite albums. 

Here we go!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Top 5 Movies to Watch on Christmas

Christmas movies are some of my favorite kinds to watch, especially snuggled on the couch with a fire in the fireplace and a big cup of hot chocolate. Now these aren't the only movies I watch and it was hard for me to make this list because of all of the great movies that take place during the holidays. I could probably do a top 10 list, but I wanted this to be short and sweet! 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

DIY: Hand Painted Coffee Mugs

The last DIY project I'm working on are hand painted coffee mugs. This is the easiest and fastest project I think. Now I've seen quite a few different tutorials on how to do this so I just took a few tips from each tutorial and wrote them here. I'm so happy with these and I can't wait to make more mugs for birthdays and holidays.

Let's get started! 

Monday, December 22, 2014

DIY: Handmade Etched Wine Glasses

For your wine loving friends I bring you this super fun idea. Etched wine glasses. I made a set of four for my friend for Christmas (but I'm going to to show you two of them to keep the rest a surprise.) This was really easy and I cannot wait to make more of them for myself!

Let's get started!

Supplies needed:
Armour Etch (I had to order mine online because it wasn't stocked in any stores)
Wine Glasses (these are from Target)
Masking Tape
Stickers (I used them instead of stencils)
Latex gloves

Step 1: Make sure glass has been washed and dried. Place sticker where you want it and cover the surrounding areas with masking tape so the Armour Etch won't run and make a mess. 

Step 2: Put on latex gloves and begin to cover the entire area with the Armour Etch. 

Step 3: I've seen a lot of different tutorials varying in times to leave the Armour Etch on. I found that it looks best if left on for 10 minutes. 

Step 4: Rinse off the Amour Etch under cool water until the cream is completely gone. After, wash the glasses and dry them. 

Step 5: Pour some wine and enjoy your brand new glass!

Thanks for reading!!

Check out my previous post: 12 Days of Tartemas!

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

12 Days of Tartemas!

Christmas season is here and one thing that makes me really excited are advent calendars! When I was younger, the chocolate ones would suffice, but now I've replaced the chocolate with something just as good: Makeup! Tarte Cosmetics is a brand that I've recently discovered and when I saw that they put out an exclusive product with Ulta, I jumped at the chance to buy it. (Plus it's and you should buy yourself a Christmas present!) 

The Petite Treats 12 Days of Tarte Deluxe Collection is full of minis of some amazing Tarte products. I was especially excited to get the mascaras and eyelash primer, no surprise there honestly. It was $37 at Ulta and has since sold out. I was contemplating how I was going to write about this product, whether I wanted to write multiple posts or not. Anyways, I'm writing one big post about it because I am actually so happy I decided to buy it. 

Let's get started!

Monday, December 15, 2014

DIY: Monogram Chalkboard

The second DIY project is such a fun gift to give! It's very personalized and I even made one for myself. This chalkboard will not only be a cute Christmas gift, but a great birthday gift too. This took a while, but it is so easy to make. Let's get to it! 

Supply List: 
  • 13 inch, wooden letters (mine is from Joann's Fabrics)
  • Challkboard paint (There are tons of brands, I used Martha Stewarts)
  • Paint brush
  • Chalk
  • Ribbon
1) Sand the edges of the letter to smooth any rough sides. 

2) Paint on coat all over the letter and let dry for 1 hour. 

3) Paint second layer of paint on letter and let dry for another hour. 

4) While second coat is drying, it's time to put the chalk in a cute little package. I cut about 7 inches of ribbon to tie the chalk together. 

5) After drying, it's time to condition the chalkboard. All you have to do it rub chalk all over the letter then wipe it off. 

6) After the chalkboard is wiped clean you are ready to show it off. I'll be hanging mine next to my desk! 

Let me know if you try out this DIY project and who you are going to gift it too. I also made one for my sister as well as a couple friends. Happy Crafting!

Thanks for reading!!

Check out my previous post: Fuzzy Sweaters and Suede Boots

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Fuzzy Sweaters and Suede Booties

Yesterday was my family's annual Christmas party. We eat, drink, talk, and have a wonderful time. I wish I had taken a picture of my makeup that I did with this look because it was probably one of my favorites recently. Anyways back to the outfit, this is just a quick OOTD post, I only was able to get one picture of the entire outfit. 

Now this dress is sleeveless and I knew it was going to be way too cold to not wear something over it, but I didn't want to wear a standard jacket so when I found this sweater I knew it would be the perfect layering piece and I've actually fallen in love with how soft it is. It's all I want to wear now. Staying with the layers, I added some black tights to stay warm as well. 

Dress: Charlotte Russe
Sweater: Target
Bag: Gift
Booties: Target
Rings: Wet Seal/Forever21 

I hope you all have so much fun at any and all holiday parties that you will attend this year! 

Thanks for reading!!

Check out my previous post: DIY: Mason Jar Candy/Candle Holder

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Friday, December 5, 2014

DIY: Mason Jar Candy/Candle Holder

Happy December Everyone! I can't believe we are here already. This year has really flown by! Christmas is just around the corner and this year I decided to get crafty and make an assortment of gifts for my friends (and a few for myself) who live quite far just to let them know how important they are to me. There will be a few different gift ideas in the coming weeks that are of course simple, but so adorable.

Today I'm going to show you how I made these super easy candle/candy holders. Now when I send the ones I made for my friends, I'm going to be filling them with Christmas candy and of course a little Yankee Candle tea light for after the candy is gone. I got my supplies from Joann's Fabrics and Michael's Craft Store, but you can pretty much find this stuff anywhere.